Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How To Sell Your Home Faster

The real estate market is recovering, but it is still a tough time to be a seller. However, there are a few simple things you can do in any economic climate to improve your home's marketability and help it sell faster.

Copyright ©winemeup, used with Creative Commons
  • Make sure you get the best possible photos. It may mean taking photos on several occasions, in different weather and at different times of day. Some homes and spaces are difficult to photograph-- they may have nontraditional features like a "front door" on a different side of the house than usual, small spaces that are hard to fully capture, like many bathrooms, or a strange and unattractive features, like a dead tree in the yard.
  • Speaking of those unattractive features, is it possible to repair, remodel, or remove them? It might seem expensive and frustrating to make major changes that you won't get to enjoy, but you might be able to increase the selling price, bring more traffic to your home, sell faster, or all three. Remember, the same way that you are thinking you don't want to shell out to sell, the buyer is thinking they don't want to have to sink a lot of money into their new house right away.
  • Those looking at your house might not even consider it if they can't picture themselves there. Anything unsightly, whether it's clutter, a dangling gutter simple maintenance could fix, or an outdated kitchen can make the difference between a potential buyer thinking of it as their house and your house.
  • Consider buyer incentives, like covering closing costs, or throwing in appliances for free. This is a great way to make buyers feel like they are getting a good deal without lowering the price of the house
  • Don't price the house too low. That can make you seem desperate or suggest the house has something wrong with it. 

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